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Old Jun 23, 2005, 05:07 PM // 17:07   #1
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Default A way to push GW to the best ever...

One of my favorite games was Shadowbane. Now minus the bugs, horrible engine, lag, etc. it, at least imho, is the best pvp game ever made. In fact, i would go as far as to say it was ahead of its time. To me the thing that is missing GW is assets. Now what I propose is purely optional, and in no way would hurt doing PvP for GvG or otherwise.

1) a new set of land that guilds can designate where they can place their guilds. There is a limit of lets say 15 guilds per map. Access to this map requires 3wks of playing on the guild ladder so that you can then be placed on a map of simiarly skilled guilds and sized guilds.

2) Although your guild Halls cannot be destroyed certain assets on the map power your guild hall with buffs that are permanent to your guild while out of the guild hall and on this pvp map (ie not in the areas of GW that we currently operate pve or pvp on). These buffs are chosen by your guild (up to 3) and can include increased xp rate, increased hp, etc.

3) The more of these assets you control the higher these buffs are, but the buffs are capped so you cannot be godly.

4) to gain control the asset you initially only need to be the first guild to reach it. these are arenas that can only be reached by getting through xp zones. After all the initial claims have been made, 1x every 24-48hrs a guild can issue you a challenge on one of your arenas. However lets say your guild owns 12 assets, you cannot get challenged 12 times, you instead can only get challenged 1x every 24hrs.

5) I will use an example to explain how the challenge process would work. Guild A challenges guild B for an asset, Guild B has 24 hours to respond to that challenge. Guild B has the ability to set that time for the challenge at anytime during the 3 time ranges that Guild A chooses. If at the time of challenge Guild A does not show up within an hour (or 30min whichever is best) Guild B retains the asset without challenge. If Guild B does not show, they forfiet the match and asset. Once both teams are there (8v8) Guild B chooses the type of play (standard PvP or CTF) and the number of rounds (which must be a odd number up to the value of 7). Winner controls the asset.

6) Now to guard against new guilds not being able to compete against a guild that is fully buffed, the guild whose chosen buffs are not within some relative threshold of the defending guild, or who has no buffs, has the choice to recieve the same buffs the the defending guild has but at half the effectiveness. If they choose this and have their own buffs, their own buffs are overwritted by the defending guilds buff.

7) Finally, the consequences. The more assets you control the more instanced zones you're guild can go into. Any guild can go into a zone, but without control of an assets, they are restricted to the public districts for that zone. This would be the fundamental difference between how districts work on current maps and how it would work in this map. the instance maps would be guild halls and arenas. The xp zones would be the districts. The amount of private districts for your guild are determined by your control of assets in percentages to the rest of the guilds on the map. However the max is 3 districts. the rest of the zones are public that new ones are created once 3 teams (of opposite guilds have entered). You cannot enter another zone that your guild is already on. This creates competition for xp, and a reason to compete for assets.

I think this of course is an expansion idea, but given what is currently implemented (given the style of the game and engine) I am sure this could be done. Please please consider this.
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Old Jun 23, 2005, 07:04 PM // 19:04   #2
Ascalonian Squire
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Sounds fun but its a little too complicated considering how little it accomplishes. I think they would rather spend there time designing something that will change gameplay, not make things a little cooler.
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